Continuous Privacy, Security and Compliance for AWS environments

Enable consistent governance and security across your favorite AWS services

Deep Data Discovery & Classification

Privacera can automatically profile and scan data in AWS S3 as well as across tables/schema in Glue, Dynamo DB and other AWS databases. Privacera uses machine learning and rules to detect and classify sensitive data. The data is tagged and stored in the Privacera catalog.

Access Management - Authentication Broker

Privacera authentication broker can translate enterprise authentication standards to enable users securely login into AWS services. Privacera can work with prevalent identity standards such as SAML, OAUTH and others.

Access Management - Fine Grained Access Control

Privacera enables column, row and file level access to various AWS services. Privacera leverages Apache Ranger to provide centralized access policies and enforce it across AWS S3. EMR, Redshift and other AWS services.


Privacera can help with de-identifying sensitive data with masking or encryption methods. Data could be anonymized before it is stored in S3. When data is accessed in AWS EMR or other services, Privacera can dynamically de-anonymize the data based on user level policies.

AWS Technology Partner

Fine grain access control - File, column and row level access control across AWS services

Automated policy management for user access, reduce manual repetitive tasks

Comply with Privacy and Security regulations such as CCPA, GDPR and others

Integrate with your favorite AWS service

Privacera supports Discovery, Access Management and Anonymization across following AWS Services:

Balance governance and security imperatives with the need to use data

Privacera integrates seamlessly with AWS infrastructure and provides continuous security and privacy across the stack

Integrate with AWS Services

Privacera discover configuration and natively integrates with AWS S3, EMR, Athena and other AWS services.

Scan, profile all data in S3 and databases

Privacera scans and profiles any new data landing in S3 and across databases such as Amazon RDS. Privacera uses rules, machine learning to accurately identify a specific data type and apply tags.

Enable comprehensive access management

Privacera authentication broker integrates with common enterprises authentication standards such as LDAP, SAML and can translate a user login to an access token that is understood by AWS. Privacera access management consists of a centralized policy manager and ephemeral enforcement points that are initiated as needed. Privacera can easily installed using a docker service or manually.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Privacera replace IAM policies?

Privacera does not replace IAM. Depending on the AWS service, Privacera can manage IAM roles and user assignment based on its own policies.

Does Privacera access management add any performance overhead?

Privacera differs from others solutions that act as a middleman in managing data requests and accessing data on behalf of the service. Privacera’s lightweight access enforcement points add minimal processing to an existing user request.

Where is Privacera installed?

Privacera solution is implemented within the customer’s VPC and AWS account.

Resources & Latest News


Security and Privacy for modern data platforms

This paper walks through how security and privacy can be enabled for big data and cloud environments using Privacera.

Get Started Today

Contact us to learn more about Privacera for AWS and get a FREE risk assessment.