The Search for the Next Generation Greenpower Champions

Detc · January 20, 2018

At the Digital Engineering and Test Centre (DETC) we are happy to announce another addition to our growing academic support network, in the form of Greenpower’s IET Formula Goblin project.

Our founding organisation, The Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), is passionate about inspiring the next generation of engineers in the UK, and is currently running a competition which will lead to the funding of eight Greenpower Goblin kit cars, for primary schools, ages 9-11. The electric kit cars are funded by Innovate UK with support from engineers to help the students build their vehicles, provided by the APC Spokes (centres of academic excellence). The APC Spokes are a community of the UK’s leading academic institutions and industry that have been established to share best practise, expertise and facilities.

As the APC’s Digital Spoke, the DETC has the opportunity to get involved in this project that is designed to engage young students with maths and science in a fun way, promoting equality regardless of economic background and gender. Students from the winning schools will receive engineering support and be mentored by the DETC team and its affiliate companies on a regular basis. This is so students can work together to design, build and race two electric cars in the Greenpower competition in Dunton, July 2018.



Greenpower is an educational organisation whose aim is to inspire young people to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects at University and, hopefully, bolster the industry with greater knowledge, expertise and skill. The racing of electric cars not only encourages sustainable engineering and technology, it also encourages teamwork, innovation, problem solving, and technical aptitudes.

At the announcement of this competition, Andy Scarisbrick, DETC Manager, spoke briefly:

“The need for homegrown engineering talent in the UK is higher than ever, and we hope that working with schools and organisations will help bridge the skills gap in the future.

In sharing the students’ experience, we hope that it will spark an interest for some to consider engineering in their further studies and ultimately pursue a STEM career.”

The excitement that Greenpower generates is inspirational and we look forward to working with enthusiastic young students, and encourage them to be as original and creative as possible throughout the process.

For more information on how your school can win a Greenpower kit car, please get in touch with Simone Pereira.

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