Introducing DRL-Tool

Detc · May 12, 2018 is a newly formed, not for profit, Community Interest Company (CIC), whose mission is to promote Digital Readiness across UK industry. our Digital Readiness Level (DRL) initiative, which provides UK industry with a tool and a consultancy framework that promotes growth in the digital business age. Specifically, to increase UK productivity, quality, flexibility and reduce cost by employing digital technologies in our businesses.

It has taken two years, £120,000 of industry investment and significant dialogue with many industry and academic partners to get to this point. A number of Automotive Council members and the DETC APC Spoke have been instrumental in its development.

The tool adopts a common approach and language to discuss digital themes, and takes the form of a self-diagnosis website that is open to all, and free to use. At the end of the assessment the user is presented with their current DRL level and where their business is positioned compared to industry averages for their sector and size.

The site also signposts additional help available from the KTN and other certified consultants. This will facilitate the creation of next steps and of a development roadmap to push industry forward on its digital journey.

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