DETC Pit Stop: Increasing Efficiency in Automotive Product Development

Mon 26 Mar 2018 - Tue 27 Feb 2018     9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Digital Catapult Centre 101 Euston Road London, NW1 2RA

With new models released and customer expectations rising, managing complexities in the automotive manufacturing process is becoming of critical importance. The Digital Engineering and Test Centre (DETC) Pit Stop is looking for innovative ideas to decrease product development cost and complexity, yet increase value. This Pit Stop aims to identify technologies that replace physical processes in virtual environments. In particular, we want to evaluate potential interventions that could have the greatest impact in reducing product development time and cost, including designing and testing of cars, motorbikes, trucks and other vehicles.

This activity will bring together large companies such as Mclaren, Ford and Ricardo, as well as industry experts and small high calibre innovators.

Who should attend?

Digital Catapult and the DETC are looking for organisations of different sizes and industries, with technology expertise in areas that could include, but are not limited to:

  • Modelling and simulation in manufacturing:
    • Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation (HIL)
    • Digital Twins
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – with a particular focus on product development including data validation, product testing and predictive maintenance.
  • Test Automation on both a functional and non-functional level:
    • Multi-User Systems Design / Testing
    • Multi-Platform Design / Testing
  • Immersive Technologies (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality) – with a particular focus on product development.

Why you should get involved?

DETC is interested in identifying collaboration partners to:

  • Develop solutions, as well as learn about plug and play technologies.
  • Jointly apply for government funded collaborative research and development projects.
  • Meet senior representatives from the automotive sector with the potential to develop further collaborations.
  • Unearth opportunities to foster relationships with Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation and other technology companies, as well as explore how emerging technologies can be effectively future tested.


Call to action

The closing date to apply for this Pit Stop is 14th February 2018. Those interested must complete the short application form below. Places will be allocated to those with the most appropriate skills, expertise, services and products in line with the Open Call. We aim to respond to all applications within 14 days of the Open Call closing.

The Pit Stop will take place on 26 March 2018 (5.30 pm – 9.00 pm) and 27 March 2018 (8:30 am – 5:30 pm) at Digital Catapult in London.

Register your interest


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